Appello ASSUMOUD. Aiuto urgente per il Libano

Il 24 agosto abbiamo ricevuto l’appello di Kassem Aina – che qui pubblichiamo integralmente – per un aiuto economico a sostegno delle attività che Assumoud eroga a palestinesi, altri rifugiati e libanesi in stato di necessità. La crisi economica che dal 2019 affligge il Libano si è accentuata, le dispute politiche non trovano soluzioni al governo del Paese, mentre aleggia la minaccia di una guerra totale e quella locale al Sud ha già provocato sfollati, danni agli edifici, ai raccolti, agli ulivi, facendo terra bruciata con l’uso del fosforo bianco.

Nel documento che segue Mr. Kassem ci dà i dettagli degli aiuti messi in campo. Per esprimere la propria solidarietà all’ONG partner, si può inviare il proprio contributo utilizzando tutti i mezzi indicati in ivi compreso il conto a noi intestato IBAN IT95P0501803200000012420618 con causale: appello ASSUMOUD.


To:       Friends & Partners of Beit Atfal Assumoud from Kassem Aina and Beit Atfal Assumoud Family Subject: Urgent Relief Appeal to Support Palestinian and other Refugees in Lebanon and underserved Lebanese  

Dear Friends and Partners,

In an environment suffering from prolonged socioeconomic crises, never-ending political disputes, and threatened by a devastating war, non-governmental organizations become the lifesaving refuge to the people. Beit Atfal Assumoud, by your kind contributions, has always kept its extending hands to support the resilience of the most-in-need families with basic necessities of a dignified life.    

We, at Beit Atfal Assumoud, are committed to providing essential assistance to the Palestinian refugee camps including that in Baalbek and the Beqaa area. Our current relief efforts include distributing food parcels and hygiene kits. When wintertime is nearing, we supply the families in Beqaa with diesel fuel to support heating and cooking needs. However, the scale of the crisis requires additional resources and support to sustain our efforts. 

Dear Friends and Partners, we’re seeking your generous contribution to address the critical needs of the Palestinian refugees (PRL and PRS) in the camps. The sharp increase in food prices and basic human necessities, accompanied by soaring unemployment rates, exacerbates the hardships faced by this population.  

We urgently need your support to continue with these crucial initiatives. Beit Atfal Assumoud, whose services reach tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees and other disadvantaged communities living on the Lebanese territories, serves 1,500 families in the Beqaa area. Your contributions make the significant difference in the lives of those struggling to live with the minimum standards of the human life on this planet.  

As you are familiar with Beit Atfal Assumoud integrity, your assistance will directly reach those families facing the dire circumstances. We are suggesting to distribute food parcels and hygiene kits to the families. Additionally, we are seeking to secure diesel fuel before the harsh winter hits the Beqaa. (Kindly, see the details in this document.)  

Join us in making a tangible impact. Contribute to the urgency of this relief effort. Bring forth hope and faith in humanity in those dark days of genocide and absence of humanitarian laws.

Kassem Aina

Director; Beit Atfal Assumoud

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